This is the Second Chapter of A Quantum Way of Life
QUANTUM WAY OF LIFE AND NEUROSCIENCE: Resting deep within the darkest confines of our brain, there is an intricate network of the mind, which possesses more than a hundred billion neurons. These electrically charged cells constantly send and receive a vast array of chemical and electrical pulses and signals in their vibrations.
The vibrations possess waves that can oscillate at different frequencies. With the addition of time, the waves gather greater frequency, and this, in turn, has a greater effect on our beings.
The different frequencies are measured as:
and gamma.
Each of the brain waves traveling through our minds gives our brain cells particular tasks. The different frequencies allow the appropriate cells to tune into their corresponding wavelength, just as the standard radio tunes into the frequency and channel desired and ignores the other frequencies.
And just like the radio, when it is clear without distortion, the cells, and their corresponding frequencies become synchronized and harmonious; they resonate together. They are each filled with sound and, in turn, vibrate with sound. This evolutionary process of adapting our beings to the most promising avenues of life ensures the greatness of our well-being.
The neurons are alive and forever changing their power. They can become stronger or weaker in their energy voltage as the ions, charged molecules or atoms, passing through the neuron communicate. If there is enough potency of power within the cell, it will fire off in directions to connect with other cells, and as it does so, information is carried across.
This interchange of energy at the quantum level begins the engine of charging and changing other cells, altering our states of consciousness of the moment or the now. Science can detect when many of these neurons are firing with energy simultaneously as a wave, or an oscillation carrying energy through a mass or space.
Many of us are entirely unaware of this quantum frenzy in our daily lives. Different experiences, thoughts, and feelings can excite the neurons to attach and behave in particular ways. Consider, for example, how you can be doing something innocuous, and you hear a piece of music that almost instantaneously changes your mood from one state to another: from indifference to being spirited or from joy to poignancy as recollections and feelings flood back. The neurons respond with speeds unfathomably faster than that of light, and this new frenzy of neurons brings upon us altered states of consciousness.
In this process, certain neural connections can become more robust. In contrast, other attachments become weaker, which is why when we feel bad, the neural connections are exercised in that particular field. They are exercised to such an extent that the connection can flare up at any time as of its own free will and take us from joy to sadness in the passing of a second.
In extreme cases, such as a mother grieving over the loss of her child, the neural connections are so strong with interminable vibrations that they do not let the attachment break, and the woman must suffer all the pain of her grief. Science calls this new neuron, or nerve cell attachment and activity, neural plasticity. At the quantum level, the cells can bend, shape, and form new connections, which now govern the grieving mother\’s emotions.
Now, while some will say it is necessary for the mother to feel and taste the grief over the loss of her child, it is also a fact that the mother has entered into a new state of consciousness, whereby the new neuron connections reign within her being. But let us move away from this example and consider the mother\’s sadness.
The more we allow the quantum matter within our minds to concentrate upon that sadness, the more likely further sadness will come to call, even at times when we deem the calling to be most unpleasant. Imagine what life would be like were we able to control such unruly visitations, and rather than exercising negative neural connections, we could exercise their contrary and bring positive, upbeat connections and networks within our mind.
Then, we would feel a sense of completeness, contentedness, and even happiness. Neuroplasticity is a double-edged sword whose neural activity cuts both ways: in this case: of sadness and happiness. But as with all exercise – and exercising the quantum matter of the mind is no different from exercising one\’s arms or legs – the more we exercise, the stronger the cells and limbs become. Whatever we are doing in any second of the day, any hour in the day, the quantum mechanics of our mind is modifying itself so that it may adjust to the challenges it has to face.
The mind is flexible and can change; your mind is flexible and possesses the plasticity to be altered only upon the positive. Quantum attraction at an intensely personal level is the ability to forge desired and happy connections and to loosen, break, and snap the bonds and the ghosts of our past negative connections. When we are resilient, strong, and possess the fortitude of mind, we can be conscious of our ability to perform this feat; we have to hold an unbounded faith in our gift to do this, and by so doing, we will achieve complete mastery of our beings. This new consciousness, this new ability to create connections, can enrich our lives in their present existence.
Dopamine and serotonin govern our everyday feelings and moods. When their levels are high, we feel high, and the neurotransmitters in our brain are feverish with activity. We feel alive and can sense every part of the life around us. Conversely, the lack of production of both dopamine and serotonin severely restricts our ability to feel the abundance of life and all of its excellent activity, and we can feel down and depressed and, in severe cases, even suicidal.
When we are socially alive, socially interactive, and feel a sense of worth and well-being, dopamine and serotonin are produced, a recipe for happiness. This is why we must always start our journey with self-love, the love of ourselves, and only by so doing can we initiate the attraction of others. When this is achieved, the dopamine and serotonin will flow evermore with abundance. We are powerful when we possess and express an undying self-belief in ourselves and how we interact with the Universe around us. In this generation of power at the quantum level, serotonin is released with evermore frequency, enhancing the charm we feel. The laws of attraction feel this pull, and we get what we desire.
All humans desire to fit in and be accepted; whether you are conscious of this or not, it is often the case. Even those who reject wanting to fit in simultaneously reject their natural need to be accepted within the social norm. Psychology refers to it as the normative social influence.
We are all social beings by nature, as is every living creature on the planet; otherwise, they wouldn\’t exist, and they would have died hundreds of thousands of years ago. Those who do sense consciousness within them to decline to take part in the social spectrum and arena of life do so as either a reaction to normative social influence or simply as a desire to pursue their existence bereft of any external influence. We are in a constant duality of seeing others and how others perceive us. This often gives rise to much confusion regarding our identity in the reality of which is us.
Almost from the beginning of our first breath upon this earth, we are shaped by our environment. Our beings react with every second, every hour, and every day to the changing circumstances of time and place. Most of the time, we are unconscious of this evolution of adaptation of our beings. Still, at the quantum level, every second counts, as it were, and the quantum fields of living in the now and in the future are being shaped by the tiny vibrations of the environment that the quanta within us feel and create.
Recent advances in neuroscience are helping us to put together the picture of how we exist and adapt to the world, how the neurons in our brain shape us, and how they react to the changing fortunes of time outside us. Research has revealed that we all have empathetic mirror neurons. When we act in a particular way, specific neurons fire within the brain, causing us to think, feel, and behave differently.
We are an intrinsic part of that act. However, when we observe the same act undertaken by others, we have the necessary distance to become detached and divorced from that action so that the specific neurons don\’t fire.
But this is not the case, and neuroscience shows that the contrary is often the case, and even when we observe an action that we are not part of in \’reality\’, as it were, the neurons still choose to fire. More importantly, even if we imagine within our beings the action, these neurons can still fire off their energy so that altered states of consciousness are felt.
The ancient Greeks knew all too well this ability of the spectator, the audience, to feel another state of consciousness. They created tragedies to arouse our feelings and take us from our present reality to that of another more dreadful reality, as happens in Sophocles\’ Oedipus Rex, whereby King Oedipus, seeking to alleviate the plague which is killing his people, seeks out with implacable determination the killer who has brought the plague and vengeance from the Gods, only to discover that he is the killer. In this case, through his creation, the dramatist could alter the audiences\’ state of being and make them feel like they were unfolding this awful truth about themselves.
But it is not only the act of watching others that fires specific neurons in our mind; even thinking about some event or other in reflection can cause the neurons to become charged and thus become energized.
Now, all this begs the question of whether these specific neurons know the difference between what is real and what is not. If, on the first hand, we assume the neurons have the knowledge and have chosen the path to fire and to alter our states of consciousness, then by necessity, we must also admit that these neurons possess a reason and a judgment to do so; must we not? If we admit to this conclusion, we must also admit that other neurons, too, can have a reason of their own and choose to lay dormant at certain times or fire at other times. It isn\’t sure, but as quantum science shows, anything is possible.
A more probable reason behind the neurons firing when we are spectators to others\’ actions and events is that the neurons don\’t know the difference between what is and is not. They don\’t possess any knowledge at all and respond to what we seek, what we think, or even what we imagine. The mirror neurons are oblivious to what is real and what is not, just like fear, an emotion that can feel real.
The latter has essential conclusions for how we see, perceive, and imagine the world in our reality. We are the reason, the authors, and the creators who allow the signals and the stimuli to be sent to the neurons. If we are not aware or in control of our thoughts, then we become different states of consciousness throughout each passing second of the day. The external world outside, seeing this unguarded state of being, enters at random charges and alters our states of mind without us knowing.
Most of the time, we are unaware that we are doing this. Still, if we were, we could sift out, as it were, the most unsavory of signals, and in their place, we could substitute and allow the most favorable of thoughts to fire up the mirror neurons that bring us feelings of goodness, well being, and most importantly of happiness itself. Brain scans can show that, in some instances, we can sometimes feel certain emotions before we are even aware of them. When we are unaware and have not taken care to be conscious of what is created in us, thoughts can be random and haphazard, and this chaos will only lead to chaos in the mirror cells.
The brain is split into two parts: the left and right hemispheres. They interact electrochemically to synergize and make sense of the world outside and on the inside. The brain\’s left hemisphere is the keeper of beliefs and memories, and when new experiences appear, they have to fit neatly into this world. If they don\’t resonate enough in this new kingdom, they are lost until a new, similar experience brings them back.
The right hemisphere of the brain constantly challenges this existing order of things, and if the left side is overwhelmed, the right side of the brain can determine the outcome, and it can forge upon its counterpart a memory shift in consciousness. But when the left hemisphere is implacable with its belief, no matter how much assail the right side can muster, the left hemisphere will not be denied, and the belief remains intact and, for the present, unassailable. The ideal state is when both sides of our brain hemisphere resonate in synchronicity and become synergized for the well-being of our whole self. In this state, we can feel a content state of happiness.
Dark emotions have an author and creator of their being, and it is our task to reach a higher state of happiness, to become conscious before their birth, and only then can we sever the mirror neurons before they ever take electrical charge. Sometimes, it is hard to erase an unruly thought, whose very appearance and recollection can bring sadness, but anything is possible with time and with the exercise of mind at the quantum level. With each little step taken the moment these dark thoughts appear, at length, they will begin to fade and disappear into the darkness of the past where they belong. Memory reconsolidation allows us to modify and change old memories and, in their place, consolidate new memories promising to our well-being.
When we achieve this state of self-censorship at the quantum level and can be the guardian of our mirror neurons, we can take charge of what is created within us and what is not. Protein photosynthesis is the ability of our biological cells to generate new proteins within themselves, and if our lives are immersed in the struggle, the misery, and the pain and suffering of everyday existence, then the cells will react to the stimuli, and they will also mirror the dreadful life we have.
But let\’s build a resilient mind to generate a world of light, a constant stream of beautiful thoughts and imaginings. The same will happen within the quantum level of the cell, and the proteins, the good and optimistic proteins, will become born, and a new and happy reality for us will abound. In this new dimension, there will be greater clarity of thought, creativity, and social cohesion through acceptance since we have consciously detached the attachments of the past and are now living a new life bereft of harmful recollections.
Often, however, thoughts of the past guilt of the past have the potential to flood into our minds when we lapse into moments of not being aware. This vacuum of consciousness is a fertile ground for disabling thoughts of happiness and well-being. We should not challenge the thoughts, as this gives them too much weight and credence, but we must challenge their author, ourselves.
Often, our actions and mistakes of the past bring upon us the feeling of cognitive dissonance, where two beliefs simultaneously vibrate within our minds, and our actions – one belief – have contradicted our beliefs and perceptions – other beliefs.
The effect is to feel psychological stress or mental discomfort. If we allow this cognitive dissonance to continue, we will forever face the impact of psychological stress it brings. We must endeavor to deal with it and eradicate it. We must command our will to control the cognitive dissonance felt in the contradictory frequencies of vibrations, and we must resist the strain.
One of the most debilitating states is the one whereby we think we have to do something to change the state and direction of our lives, but we cannot see the point; we cannot see the end, even though we know, out there, both in the present and the future there is a point and purpose to what we have to do.
This state of cognitive dissonance stifles the soul and renders actions limp against the stubbornness of the mind. We become, with identity, mere vessels tossed upon the seas of ravaging fortunes. We all need an identity, a self that we can believe in. If we cannot believe in ourselves, then we have no chance of believing in anything outside us. Nothing becomes possible in this state.
Steadfastly persevering on thinking there is a better existence but not knowing the prescription to administer a remedy is soul-destroying. It is then, at this critical impasse, there is a need to reach within the quantum soul of yourself and to find alternative guidance in both the spiritual, philosophical, and metaphysical. This triptych of help will help you adjust and alter your state of awareness so that you can see matters at hand with greater clarity; you can act with an unbounded belief now resting in your soul, and you can see the future goal and what actions you need to do to reach and attain them.
Through backward rationalization, we can do this.
Backward rationalization can work in two ways. We can look back on our memories and alter the feelings generated by them. Take, for example, a person trying desperately to give up on cigarettes, and they finally collapse and give in to one. After the event, to avoid feeling the guilt of irrational and unacceptable actions, they rationalize the situation, and they come up with various excuses to justify the action:
\’I was under that much pressure at work; Dave\’s had a cig, so why can\’t I have one? One won\’t harm me, and I have done well today, so it\’s a reward.\’
Each of these backward rationalizations alters the fact of the act and changes the person\’s perception and memory of it. And now, rather than the person feeling an awful sense of guilt, and with that guilt a whole host of negative emotions, they have justified the action and moved on, safe in the knowledge that the memory is now altered and understood in a much more beneficial way. They have changed the mirror neurons to see a different past, and when the memory suddenly appears at random, the mirror neurons don\’t associate the thought with anything terrible, and the mind moves on to the next random thought.
Our consciousness does not reside in one particular abode of the head but is in all parts of our being. The unity of consciousness is our whole self and not one particular strand of ourselves: it is our heart, mind, and soul, our feelings, our actions, and our very existence in the eternal and infinite Universe.
As we walk or wander through life, experience constantly forges new dimensions in our consciousness. As the saying goes, \’If we walk only on sunny days, we will forever see the sun in our life, and if we walk only on rainy days, so shall be the days in our mind.\’ We must endeavour to root out the latter and fill our experience with all that is good. If it is terrible, we act to resist the strain of stressful experiences and to command and control the ill before it enters into the most profound parts of our consciousness.
Read the Third Chapter: The Twelve Laws of Quantum Attraction